It's a show of strength to ask for help. There are different phases in life, and we all have different needs for help and support throughout life.
The first step is for many to contact their regular General Practitioner.
Contact: https://helsenorge.no/foreigne...
If you are expecting children or have responsibility for young children at home, midwives and nurses (helsesykepleiere) are important partners. They have a good overview of local support services.
Contact: https://helsenorge.no/hjelpeti...
Contact the emergency room if you need help or health advice outside the regular GP / Health Care Center opening hours. All municipalities in Norway have an emergency care system for immediate health care 24/7. Call 116117 to get in touch with the nearest emergency room. If it is urgent, call 113.
Contact: https://helsenorge.no/hjelpeti...
«Ammehjelpen» provides free information, guidance and support concerning breastfeeding and breast milk. They help mothers via phone, email and social media. Ammehjelpen operates and updates the website www.ammehjelpen.no, which is Norway's largest online source of information on the topic.
Contact: https://ammehjelpen.no/
Here you can find a useful information form (in Norwegian).
The Family Welfare Service in Norway offers therapy and counseling to families experiencing relationship problems, conflicts or crises. The service is provided free of charge, and you can contact the service yourself to book an appointment. The employees there are bound by a duty of confidentiality.
Contact: https://www.bufdir.no/Familie/...
The Child Welfare Services provides help and support to children, adolescents and parents who are experiencing challenges or difficulties within the family. Their main goal is to ensure that children and adolescents who are living under conditions that represent a risk to their health and/or development receive the help they need when they need it, and to contribute to children and adolescents growing up in safe, secure and caring conditions. (www.bufdir.no)
Contact: https://barnevernvakten.no/ or https://www.bufdir.no/Barnever...
Treatment works! ATV has 30 years of experience in treating people who use violence against their loved ones. We know it can be difficult to ask for help. In individual treatment and group therapy with others struggling with the same problems, one can find good alternatives to violence.
Contact: https://atv-stiftelsen.no/
The helpline is Mental Health's free of charge 24-hour phone service for anyone who needs someone to talk to. You can be anonymous and they have a duty of confidentiality.
Contact: https://mentalhelse.no/fa-hjel...
A voluntary family support program. The offer from Home-Start is a supplement to the public support system. The purpose is to prevent the development of stress, support the family on what they master and provide needed relive.
Contact: https://home-start-norge.no/ti...
Krisesenteret is a shelter that offers help to those who have been exposed to violence or abuse by a partner, family or others with whom they have a close relationship. The centers offer protection, safety, advice and guidance to women, men and children.
Contact: https://www.krisesenter.com/
Have you been exposed to violence from a partner, family or other person, or from rape or other sexual abuse? The assault centers offer medical assistance and counseling. You don't need a referral and it is free of charge. You get help regardless of whether you want to report the assault or not. Some centers are open 24 hours a day.
Kontakt: https://dinutvei.no/utsatt/hje...
The organization 1001 days work with mental health during pregnancy and after birth. Here you can get advice and guidance on mental health challenges.
Contact: https://www.landsforeningen100...
Littsint.no is a website for parents who want to work with anger management. The goal is to use psychological knowledge and a method to help parents create a safer and more predictable everyday life for their children.
Contact: https://www.littsint.no/
Foreldrehverdag is a collection of articles, movies and podcasts on topics that parents encounter in everyday life. The site is created in collaboration with experienced professionals and parents. In addition to ICDP, the page is based on up-to-date knowledge of children's development.
Contact: www.foreldrehverdag.no
There are many different support services in Norway. Some cover the entire country, others are local. Here you will find an overview of many of them.
Contact: https://dinutvei.no/hjelpetilb...